We began construction in September, finished planking in December, and launching is scheduled for late summer. For a full write up on the design and some awesome renderings please click the link below and take a moment to read Bob’s recent article: Past Meets Modern Excellence on 39-ft Wisp.
“It takes a village” so they say, and one of the most enjoyable aspects of this project for me is working with Bob Stephens and the formidable team of specialists who have come together to assist us: Gardner at Hews & Company, Ransom at Buzzards Bay Boatworks, Erik and Walt at Front Street Shipyard, Steve and Lance at Lyman Morse, Bob and Jeremy at Custom Coatings, Angel and Philip at Rockport Marine, Skip and Oakley at Harken, Siebe and Annelies at Euro Marine Trading, Jacques and Henry at Moore Brothers, Kevin and James at Midcoast Marine Electronics, Lorik at Weymouth Yacht Rigging, Bill at Mars Metal, Alan at Sandhill Cabinetry, Phil at PYI, Ryan at Journey’s End Marina, Kinder at Imtra, Rich at America’s Wood, Mario at Composites One, Siebe and Annlies at Solimar, Larry and Phil at Teak Decking Services, Tom and Glen at North Sails, John at Gemini Marine Canvas, Scott at Wilmoth Marine Carpentry…
Each one of these folks are so much more than a vendor – they are specialists at the top of their fields. Each brings a lifetime of valuable experience to the table and ultimately make it possible for a modestly sized boatyard to pull off construction of a world-class luxury yacht.
2023 was another great summer for racing, and CELIA, the 40’ Sparkman & Stephens sloop we restored last winter stole the show. We launched her on the eve of the Camden Classics Cup where the bugs were quickly worked out. She went on to take a third at the Eggemoggin Reach Regatta, first in Castine’s Retired Skippers Race, and another first in the Around Islesboro, single-handed division.
Concordia Yawl DAME won her class at the Nantucket Opera House Cup, and BESHERTE won her class at the Shipyard Cup in Boothbay Harbor.
Camden Classics always delivers an amazing blend of classics, competition, and camaraderie. Many of our clients race each year, and this past summer FROLIC, ELLEN, and PONYO lined up for first, second, and third in the Daysailer Division, while somehow I managed a third place with NORA in Classics 1. This summer the dates for Camden Classics are July 25-27 and we hope to see you!
Artisan Boatworks is a proud sponsor of the Camden Classics Regatta, and Alec and Erin will be presenting a perpetual trophy for the winner of the Daysailer Class. Maybe you will be the first recipient! Sign up here.

We were honored to be featured in two separate articles in the Spring 2023 edition of the CONCORDIAN, a privately published newsletter for owners and admirers of Concordia Yawls.
This year we have five Concordias in our storage/maintenance program and three for sale through the brokerage.
The first article is entitled “DAME and her Delighted Co-Owners” and the second, “Concordia 31 SECRET is reborn.” The photos in these articles show some wonderful hardware and rigging details, as well as revealing the mysteries of what’s behind all of that planking on the bottom. You can click the links to read the articles in full.
On the subject of Concordia Yawls, a small group of devotees have formed a group called “Friends of Concordia Yawls” with the mission of promoting awareness of the class, encouraging restorations of boats like SECRET that are in need, and motivating a new generation of prospective owners to get involved.
If you would like to receive the CONCORDIAN or learn more about deserving Concordia restoration candidates (there are many) let me know and I’ll put you in touch with the publisher, Jay Panetta.
Our service department is in full swing as they work through the painting, varnishing and polishing for the over 70 wooden boats that are in our care. Before long they will be underway to all points between New York and Northeast Harbor for annual delivery, launching, and commissioning.
We are pleased to present our current list of wooden boat brokerage offerings. Please click on the image for a complete listing with pricing, and don’t hesitate to reach out for additional information or to schedule a visit.
If you don’t see what you’re looking for, please let us know. Whether an existing boat not publicly for sale, the restoration of a deserving classic, or a new build from scratch, It’s likely we can find you the boat of your dreams!
Congratulations to the new owners who purchased boats in 2023!
The brokerage at Artisan Boatworks is selectively accepting new listings. If you’re interested in selling your existing boat please email some photos and a brief description to alec@artisanboatworks.com.