Wooden Boat Maintenance, Indoor Storage & Service

Artisan Boatworks offers comprehensive off-season
“mooring-to-mooring” storage and maintenance services.
Winter storage in buildings with concrete floors, heated storage, and outside storage all have adverse drying effects on a wooden boat. Repeated expansion and contraction of wood from seasonal moisture fluctuations will result in excessive leaking and paint cracking along seams which, over many years, will loosen fasteners and permanently damage planking. The lifespan of a wooden boat can be extended indefinitely when stored on a gravel or dirt floor, in a well ventilated, unheated building with no direct sunlight and an insulated roof. Our 12,000 sq. ft. humidity controlled storage facility was designed to optimize the balance of these conditions, and long-term storage boats that have been out of the water for five years or more show no signs of drying.
Our highly acclaimed expertise and pride in restoring and building new wooden boats reflects the skill and attention we’ll devote to the annual maintenance of your boat: large or small, sail or power: Each fall experienced wooden boat owners send their boats to Artisan Boatworks, and each spring trust that our knowledgeable and experienced service team will return their boat on time and in showroom condition – ready to turn heads and win races.
Most are pleasantly surprised to discover the cost of transporting their boat to and from Maine each year is more than offset by our reasonable hourly rates, accurate estimates, and proven efficiency. From New York, NY, Newport, RI, Nantucket, MA, Northeast Harbor, ME, and harbors in between – Artisan Boatworks’ full service “mooring to mooring” storage and maintenance program has proven time and again that owning and maintaining a wooden boat can be hassle-free.